FeelGood’s CBD Facial Rejuvenating Facial Cream is one of our new product offerings here at Tantus Health Co. and we gave it a test run for a week to see how well it works. The first thing the team noticed is the great (but very subtle) scent of the feelgood CBD cream. Considering you are putting it on your face, it’s probably a good thing that it does not have an overpowering scent, or smells like the hemp it is made from.
Like most facial creams, the feelgood CBD Facial Rejuvenating Cream is mainly used to moisturize and leave your face feeling rejuvenated, but the addition of CBD oil makes this product stand out from regular old moisturizer you would buy from your local grocery store.
While research continues to be done on the benefits of topical CBD in forms like the feelgood CBD facial cream, early findings are encouraging.
(by the way, you can go here on our site to purchase feelgood. CBD Facial Rejuvenating Cream)
A 2014 research paper found that the anti-inflammatory qualities found in CBD oil may help reduce the production of the oils that cause acne. The research, titled Cannabidiol exerts sebostatic and antiinflammatory effects on human sebocytes concluded that “due to the combined lipostatic, antiproliferative, and antiinflammatory effects, CBD has potential as a promising therapeutic agent for the treatment of acne vulgaris.”

In 2020 a review of research on the therapeutic potential of CBD treatment of skin disorders and more general skin health found that “… a body of preclinical evidence suggests topical application of CBD may be efficacious for some skin disorders, such as eczema, psoriasis, pruritis, and inflammatory conditions.”
This (again) is early research so if you want to make sure something like feelgood’s CBD Facial Rejuvenation Cream is right for you, consider setting up a free online medical CBD consultation with one of our medical practitioners.
The feelgood CBD Facial Rejuvenating Cream contains a total of 450 mg of CBD and goes on nice a smooth without an oily finish. It is best used just before bed, so you wake up with your face feeling clean and refreshed.
The feelgood., line of products is a health and wellness brand produced by the Canadian company Heritage Cannabis, who is dedicated to providing consumers with affordable products while still maintaining the highest quality standards possible.
If you would like to learn more about CBD in general, check out our recent article: CBD Oil in Canada: What’s it all about?