Is CBD a Natural Ally in Battling Menopause Symptoms?

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TLDR: CBD is gaining attention for its potential in alleviating menopause symptoms. While research is limited, a recent survey shows promise. Many women are turning to CBD and cannabis to manage symptoms like sleep disturbances and mood swings. This aligns with preclinical studies indicating that cannabinoids may help with mood and anxiety during menopause. More rigorous research is essential to fully understand CBD’s role. If considering CBD, consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance on managing menopause symptoms.

Here’s the full article: 

Menopause, a natural phase in every woman’s life, brings about a myriad of changes due to hormonal fluctuations. While it’s a universal experience, the severity of symptoms varies greatly among individuals. Hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and anxiety are just a few of the many challenges that women face during this transition. Traditionally, hormone therapy was the go-to solution for managing these symptoms, but concerns about its long-term risks have led many women to seek alternative options.

One such alternative that has gained considerable attention is CBD, short for cannabidiol, a compound found in cannabis. While the use of CBD and cannabis in managing menopause symptoms is relatively new, there’s growing interest and some promising findings that warrant exploration.

I would have to say that we were actually a little suprised at the lack of research into CBD and menopause given the number of inquiries we get here at Tantus on the subject. So please proceed with caution, and if you think CBD may help alleviate your symptoms please consider talking to a doctor that specializes in medical CBD and cannabis. 

Menopause typically occurs in a woman’s late 40s to early 50s and is defined by the cessation of menstrual periods. This significant milestone in a woman’s life is primarily triggered by hormonal changes, particularly the decline in estrogen and progesterone production by the ovaries.

The hormonal fluctuations during menopause often lead to various symptoms that can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life. Among the most common are hot flashes, characterized by sudden waves of heat and sweating, mood swings, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, vaginal dryness, and cognitive changes like forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms can persist for several years, and their severity varies widely among individuals.

CBD is a non-intoxicating compound found in the cannabis plant, and it’s been making waves in the field of health and wellness due to its potential therapeutic properties. It’s essential to clarify that CBD is distinct from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another prominent compound in cannabis responsible for its psychoactive effects. CBD does not produce the “high” associated with cannabis use.

While research on CBD’s effects is still in its early stages, it has shown promise in managing a range of conditions, from chronic pain to anxiety disorders. As a result, women experiencing menopause symptoms have started exploring CBD as an alternative or complementary treatment option.

While there’s a growing interest in CBD for menopause symptom relief, scientific research in this area is limited. However, recent surveys have provided valuable insights into how women are using CBD and cannabis to manage their symptoms.

One such survey, conducted among 258 perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, revealed some intriguing trends. Remarkably, 86% of participants reported current cannabis use, and an overwhelming 79% endorsed its use to relieve menopause-related symptoms. This finding alone underscores the significant role that cannabis and CBD products play in women’s lives during this phase.

The survey also investigated the methods of cannabis consumption preferred by women in this demographic. Smoking, in various forms like joints, bowls, or bongs, emerged as the most common mode of use, with 84.3% of participants reporting it. Edibles, another popular choice, were favored by 78.3% of respondents. Vaping oil followed suit, with 52.6% using this method.

When asked about specific menopause-related symptoms they were targeting with medical cannabis, 67.4% pointed to sleep disturbances as their primary concern. Mood and anxiety symptoms were not far behind, with 46.1% of women using cannabis to alleviate these challenging aspects of menopause.

One significant finding of the survey was the disparity between perimenopausal and postmenopausal participants. Perimenopausal women, who are in the transitional phase leading up to menopause, reported significantly worse symptomatology. They experienced more severe vasomotor symptoms (like hot flashes) and psychosocial symptoms, particularly anxiety. This disparity highlights the unique challenges faced by perimenopausal women, and it also suggests that they may be more inclined to seek out alternative treatments like CBD.

The survey results, particularly the high percentage of women using CBD to manage mood and anxiety symptoms, align with emerging evidence from preclinical studies. Researchers have discovered that the endocannabinoid system, which interacts with CBD, plays a crucial role in regulating mood, anxiety, and sleep. Notably, the human ovary produces an endogenous cannabinoid called anandamide, with levels correlating with estrogen production. This connection suggests that cannabinoids may impact mood and anxiety during menopause, which aligns with the experiences of many women.

While the survey offers valuable insights, it’s essential to approach CBD and cannabis use with some caution. There’s a wide variety of CBD products available in the market, each with its unique characteristics, including mode of use and cannabinoid profiles. Choosing the right product can be challenging, and the impact can vary from person to person.

Menopause is a unique and challenging phase in a woman’s life, and finding effective symptom management strategies is essential for improving overall well-being. While CBD and cannabis show promise, it’s essential for women to consult healthcare professionals before incorporating these products into their menopause management plans. Every woman’s experience is unique, and personalized guidance can help navigate the complexities of symptom relief effectively.