Survey Reveals American Perceptions: Cannabis Viewed as Safer and Less Addictive Than Other Substances

study finds cannabis safer than other substances

A recent survey conducted by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and Morning Consult has shed light on the public’s perception of various substances and behaviors in terms of their safety and addictiveness.

The findings reveal interesting insights into how Americans view different substances and highlight the need for public education on addiction and substance use disorders. 

Cigarettes: The Most Unsafe and Addictive Substance:

According to the survey, a significant majority of respondents (84%) consider cigarettes to be unsafe, while an even higher percentage (87%) perceive them as addictive. Despite this awareness, the survey found that 21% of participants reported smoking cigarettes daily. This discrepancy underscores the challenges individuals face when trying to break free from the grip of tobacco addiction.

Comparing Substances:

The survey also assessed perceptions of safety and addictiveness for other substances. Respondents identified alcohol, opioids, and vapes as addictive, with two-thirds of participants considering alcohol and opioids unsafe. In contrast, while people acknowledged that cannabis can be addictive, a smaller proportion perceived it as unsafe. Additionally, most respondents believed that technology, although considered addictive by many, was relatively safe.

Implications for Health and Addiction Treatment:

APA President, Dr. Petros Levounis, highlighted the importance of raising awareness about the dangers of addictive behaviors such as alcohol consumption and excessive technology use. Dr. Levounis emphasized that vaping can be just as, if not more, addictive than smoking cigarettes. He also stressed the availability of effective treatments for substance use disorders and behavioral addictions, emphasizing that addiction treatment works.

Perceptions on Addiction and Treatment:

The survey explored public beliefs about the causes of addiction, with 47% attributing it to personal weakness. However, a substantial majority (76%) recognized addiction as a medical condition, and 93% agreed that substance use disorders can be treated. These findings highlight the importance of destigmatizing addiction and promoting the understanding that it is a treatable condition requiring medical intervention.

Knowledge and Access to Naloxone:

The survey revealed a knowledge gap concerning naloxone, a life-saving medication used to counteract opioid overdoses. While 58% of participants reported familiarity with naloxone, only 35% said they knew where to find it in the event of an opioid overdose. This discrepancy emphasizes the need for increased awareness and accessibility of naloxone to save lives in the face of the ongoing opioid crisis.

To address these issues, the APA announced the launch of a public awareness campaign on addiction. The initiative will focus on different substances throughout the year, starting with vaping and later shifting to opioids, alcohol, and technology. By educating the public about the risks and providing information on available treatments, the APA aims to promote healthier behaviors and reduce the prevalence of addiction.

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